The Pom Pony - Solid Colors

Introducing the Pom Pony
A Unique and Hassle Free Way to Store and Carry Pom Poms
The Pom Pony has been sold to numerous middle school, high school, All-Star, college, NFL and competitive dance and cheer teams. Coaches, instructors, parents, cheerleaders, and dancers alike tell us our pom holder is fabulous and makes carrying their poms hassle free. After trying Pom Pony, we are sure you'll agree with so many of our customers who say, "The Pom Pony is the best accessory to hit the dance and cheer market in a long time!"
Pom Pony is made from high-quality, durable materials and will last the lifetime of your dancer or cheerleader.
One Pom Pony holds 2 pom poms.
Rush Order? Email us for information.